Monday, July 19, 2010

Pichilemu Project Video

Here is a little video I put together after a trip to Pichilemu. It is a small surf town about 3 hours south in a bus from Santiago. The town really got hit by the tsunami following the February Terremoto, and has an interesting vibe. All the surf community is super nice and hospitable. The waves there are also among some of the best in the world. But the people in town who live and work there are sometimes gruff and do not want anything to do with outsiders. Mostly because their fishing industry got messed up by the tsunami(maremoto) and they are trying to slowly rebuild.

It was a great trip regardless and I cannot wait to go back. The video was made as a portion of a project profiling life in Pichilemu, before and after the maremoto, and of course profiling our time there.


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