Monday, October 4, 2010

Chilean Bicentennial

September 18th was the 200 year anniversary of Chile. But not really, the actual junta of rich guys who wanted independence from Spain happened on another day. For that reason many Chileans think the date is rather funny. Regardless, this was a huge holiday. The government called for 4 days of no work and much of us santiaguinos went to the beach for the weekend.
Destination: El Quisco.

Bus Station, Santiago.

Sunset at Playa Principal, El Quisco, Chile.

Cabanas. Pretty nice spot.

Playa Principal in the day time.

Sorry that is all I have. I did not take many pictures that weekend. I did go to a rodeo all day though. That was one of the best experiences I have had so far. At first my two gringo friends and I got stared down by everyone there, but the people were eventually nice. They liked that we were eating their special 'anticucho' and drinking 'chicha' while enjoying a rodeo. Pictures to come.

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